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AMITOM crop update as of 25 October 2022
The 2022 harvest is nearly over in all countries and the preliminary volumes available
A couple of factories are still running in the south but about 5.48 million tonnes of tomatoes will be processed in Italy, a reduction of 10% compared to last year’s record results. A total of 65,180 hectares were planted (-8.5% compared to 2021), of which 37,024 in the North and 28,156 in the Centre-South.
In the North, the final volume was 2.885 million tonnes (-6.3% compared to last year). While the early part of the harvest was bad until mid-August, due to the drought and the high temperatures that caused quite a few difficulties, the later rains helped improve the end of the season to exceed the initial forecast. Average yield was 78t/ha, higher than the 5-year average but lower than in 2021, with an average brix of 4.85.
In the Centre-South, the companies processed 2.59 million tonnes, less that the 2.65 million tonnes expected and a decrease of 12% compared to 2021. On the industrial yield front, there was a deterioration with the need to use larger quantities of raw material to be able to guarantee our high-quality standards. A large quantity of the volume went into HORECA size products as socks were very low and there was high market demand. Approximately 11% of the crop in the North and 6% in the South is organic.